
  • Well before I get to the BEST BASKETBALL LEAGUE AMERICA INC RULES & REGULATIONS, I just want you to understand that I didn’t just want the BEST BASKETBALL LEAGUE AMERICA INC to help the community, but I also wanted to expose the community to a familiar yet alternative dare I say the best way to play basketball by altering, speeding IT up, & simplifying the game of basketball without favor either the defense nor offense for I have found a way to be completely neutral. A way of playing basketball that allows the players to reach there true potential, while allowing the fans to get immersed in the sport from start to finish. So prepare yourself because what you are about to read are rules that will forever change the way basketball is played.


  • Now this wont be all of the rules as the BEST BASKETBALL LEAGUE AMERICA INC is actively working on a manual but its more than enough to get the direction we are heading towards.

Game Rules

First Possession

  • Jump ball for the first possession.

Shot Clock

  • 20 Second Shot clock; when a team gains possession of the ball their will only be 20 seconds on the shot-clock.

  • If a team scores 3 straight on each possession without the other team scoring, then the other team will lose 5 seconds on the shot-clock during their possession & 5 seconds will be added to the team that scored once they regain possession if they prevent the the other team from scoring & regain the ball. The 5 second penalty will not occur again until there is another 3 straight scoring occurrence without one team scoring. This will add more purpose behind a team scoring without being stopped, also this will add more pressure to the team that hasn’t scored. Almost forgot this will also be useful when a team needs to come back from the other team leading, & this will maintain constant pressure in the game & excitement

Minutes Per Quarters Of Play

  • In total BEST BASKETBALL LEAGUE AMERICA INC games will only have 6 possible Quarters of play per game played. Four 10 minute quarters, One 8 minute Overtime, & One 2 Minute Sudden Death Quarter. By having a maximum amount of quarters will limit potential injuries, & decrease the amount of time one game can interfere with the next game afterwards.

  • There will be 10 minutes per quarter, this will speed up the game, & will save the 2 minutes removed from each quarter that would usually make it 12 minutes per quarter like in the NBA, to be reserved for the first Over Time.

  • One 8 minute Over Time, if after Four quarters neither team can win the game by scoring 100 points or 100 points & leading by 2 points there will be one 8 minute overtime to continue the match.

  • Now if even after the 8 minute Over Time neither Team wins there will be a 2 Minute Sudden Death, where there will be a coin toss to decide possession, where the first team to score will win the Game similar to NFL OT this will lower potential injuries.

Half Court Shootout

  • If after the 2 Minute Sudden Death no one scores will have a 3 point shootout where each team selects their best shooter. Where the winner will be decided by who misses the first three shots.

Winning Point

  • The winning team will be the team that scores 100 points & if up by 2 points. The reason for having a winning point is to eliminate team blowouts & the pain of watching the extended play when the winner is already known. Also by having a winning point will actually create a new stat the average time it takes for a team to win a game. Think about it a team with such a great offense that it scores 100+ points in 3 quarters.

  • Also by adding a winning point it will force coaches to more quickly abandon a failing line up & actually speed up the chance of discovering a new starter or greater line up of players.

  • Also there will be far more time to interview the players, fans will no longer be forced to witness the embarrassment of their team being blowout for such a pointless amount of time.

  • Teams will have more control over how soon they can rest, because the sooner they win the sooner they can rest, making the best teams seek to remain focused & win as soon as possible.

Possible Points

  • There will be the two point line like the NBA where the points scored be it a layup, dunk, jump shot will equal 2 points.

  • Dunking & layups from behind the equivalent of the free throw line will result in 3 points. This will allow for more amazing finishes & more aggressive play. Also will add a reason to perform such plays, & give players that will never be able to be a benefit to their team beyond the 2 point line a chance to score more points with an amazing play instead of forcing them to shoot three points & having no way to contribute & not properly crediting their amazing athletic ability. Also this will create greater moments to be it score or win & or tie a game. Now layups will only count as a three from behind the equivalent of the free throw line if the player isn’t in a shooting motion.

  • Now I doubt these feets are possible but for some players where the farther they are from the hoop the lesser their shooting percentage this most likely will be their best option of scoring more points. Dunking & layups from behind the 3 point line will result in 4 points. This will allow for more amazing finishes & more aggressive play towards the rim. Also will add a reason to perform such plays, & give players that will never be able to be a benefit to their team shooting beyond the 3 point line a chance to score more points with an amazing play instead of forcing them to shoot three points or removing them from the court. Having no way to contribute & not properly crediting their amazing athletic ability. Also this will create greater moments to be it score win & or tie a game. Now layups will only count as a four points from behind the 3 point line if the player isn’t in a shooting motion.

  • There will be a 4 point line that is far enough from the 3 point line

  • Half court shots count as 5 points

  • Shots from behind the Half Court line that are on the 4 point line will be counted as 6 points

  • Shots from behind the Half Court line that are on the 3 point line will be counted as 7 points

  • Shots from behind the Half Court line that are on the 2 point line will be counted as 8 points

  • If a player is in mid air while an alley or lob is given the point from the dunk or layup will be based on the point line the passer was located.

  • This point system allows for a full court shooting, & more chances to score for a tie, & or win even if you are behind by 7 points. Also it will truly create a reason for a full court defense.


  • This is a combination of Chris’s idea & my own.

  • Only the player can signal a time out. This will create more tension & drama while making the game less robotic. Also truly allowing the players to decide their fate.

  • There will only be 3 time outs in each half, each worth

  • 60 seconds.

  • If a Player signals for a 4th timeout during the first half they will lose a timeout during the second half & the opposing team will receive a 2 point shot from the free throw line & possession.

  • If a Player signals for a 4th timeout during the second half they will lose a timeout during the the opposing team will receive one 3 point shots from the 3 point line & possession.

Foul System

  • There will not be a limit on fouls that would lead to the a player fouling out, the reason for this is that it undermines the fan base who paid to witness the best players on the team decide the outcome of the game. I mean you touch someone 6 times & your out no way that’s just wrong. Not that there wont be a way to be removed from the game, it just wont be that easy.

  • Like Soccer the refs will follow a flag system for fouls, Yellow Flag will result in a warning to the player, the player going to the bench for 1-2 minutes after 2 yellow flags, Blue Flag Will Result in the player sitting out an entire quarter worth of minutes so 10 minutes. A Red Flag will result in the player being ejected from the game & escorted to the locker room.

  • Now if the same player is fouled 2 times before 2 possessions the player that committed the foul will receive a Yellow Card. And the player fouled will receive a free throw shot. If the same player is fouled again on the next possession the opposing team will lose a timeout, said player will receive a shot from the 3 point line & their team will receive possession. This will remove the hacking of a certain player to have them benched & removed out of the game. Now if that team doesn’t have a timeout the opposing team will be given a timeout, & still one 3 point shot & possession

  • Now in the BEST BASKETBALL LEAGUE AMERICA INC similar to the BIG3 basketball league a player will only receive one foul shot worth the amount of points from the point line the player was fouled. For Example if a player is fouled within the 2 point area while in the act of shooting they will receive one free throw shot worth 2 points, same rules apply to the 3 point line, said player will shoot from the 3 point line & it will be worth 3 points. This speeds up the game & adds more tension since you only get one opportunity to make a free shot.

  • Now any pushing fouls, or Flagrant Fouls where the player was attempting to do harm will result in a Blue card, & 2 foul shots from the Free Throw line & possession.

  • Now if a player attempts to attack another player they will receive a Red Flag, & the player attacked will receive 3 foul shots from the Free Throw line & possession.

  • (When The BEST BASKETBALL LEAGUE AMERICA INC becomes a seasonal League) Now if a player is injured by another player purposely 100% of their salary will go to that injured player & they will be removed from the league either for a season or indefinitely depending on how severe the injury & their actions. The other team will receive three 3 point foul shots & possession with a player of their choosing shooting the foul shots.


  • Inspired by my brother Mandela’s idea I will call this the Dill Flopping Rule, Flopping will result in turn over to the other team, if a player flops the 3rd time they will receive a blue flag, which will result in them being benched for 5 minutes, & a turn over.


  • I honestly never liked the fact that the NBA & NFL forced a dress code that just didn’t match the sports. I mean who wears a suit after playing sports. So on the BBLAI players will be allowed to wear Fitted Caps backwards only, Durags, Wave Caps, Bandannas, Headbands, Approved Face Mask, Face Paint, headband, shoulder band, elbow pad, kneed pad, gloves, & the chance to present us clothing for approval.

  • Face Paint based on designs we approve & made from non toxic materiel will approve

  • The reason for a more flexible dress code isn’t just to allow the players to display more personality its to also attract more sponsors, that might be selling the product they are wearing. Because brands that make Fitted Caps, Face Paint, Durags, & much more shouldn’t be isolated from the sport, that mind you is a casual event not a business attire.

  • I mean I grew up admiring Allen Iverson because he wore his Jersey even when he wasn’t playing to show his support to his teammates & his loyalty to the fans that are also wearing a jersey even though they are not playing. And the whole suit thing after a game just goes against the spirit of the sport & messes with the immersion of the sports fan because they know that after playing sports that you just dress causal or wear cleaner sports gear.

  • Though our dress code will be more flexible sagging pants will not be tolerated.

  • Also Coaches will be held to the same dress code as the players during a game

  • Jewlery will not be allowed during playing