• The main goal of the BEST BASKETBALL LEAGUE AMERICA INC, as a nonprofit is to host a male basketball tournament that brings the community together FOR fundraisers fueled by competition & allowing males in the community from age 16-40 to participate. The main reason that we here at the BEST BASKETBALL LEAGUE AMERICA INC, chose to have the age requirement be from 16 instead of 18, is that we do not want to alienate the young males of the community from participating in a competitive tournament that will allow the males of the community, to see one another as friendly competition. Which will bridge that gap that usually maintains separation among the males in the community, due to their age, or just the fact that they don’t know one another.


  • We here at BEST BASKETBALL LEAGUE AMERICA INC, are well aware that there are youth basketball tournaments as well as adult basketball tournaments, where the adults & youth or be it young adults are kept segregated during said tournaments. We here at BEST BASKETBALL LEAGUE AMERICA INC, just want to approach our basketball tournaments differently. Our goal is to host a male basketball tournament that allows be it fathers in their 30s-40s a chance to play with their sons, nephews, that are at the age of 16-20s, or just a group of friends & or complete strangers that just came together to play a game of basketball.


  • Now besides providing a chance to play basketball & unify the community the BEST BASKETBALL LEAGUE AMERICA INC Male Basketball Tournament, will be an opportunity for fundraising to support troubled & or at risk youth & adults. As well as raising funds for the fire department, police department, & board of education. See proceeds from the BEST BASKETBALL LEAGUE AMERICA INC Male Basketball Tournament will be donated to help out the entire community.


  • One thing I Molby Jean, Founder & CEO of the BEST BASKETBALL LEAGUE AMERICA INC, believe is that we have to help heal the community as a whole in order to truly lead to it prospering. For example by having the proceeds go towards both the youth & adult aid programs will be able to help the adults get better which will lead to them being a better example to the youth. By helping the troubled youth will ensure that they will seek to be more helpful & respectful to the adults. By donating proceeds to the fire department, police department, & board of education will ensure that these public services have funds for be it for more equipment & or to better serve the community.